Some love it for mingling with their upstanding crowd
The drinking, the laughter, the gossip so loud
They arrive at the track wearing yesterday's shopping
For racing you say, more a spot of Box hopping
A trip to the Ring, it's all part of the game
to lay down a tenner on the horse with the name
that sounds like a winner, a worthwhile bet
but tarry no longer, we'll miss the jet set
Ambitious new money tries hard to compete
to break into the circle, become the elite
By trying too hard, their case is rejected
Those subtle old judgements, still roundly respected
So to the gamblers, the men here for business
The track shows no mercy, their wives less forgiveness
No time for a banter, or a welcoming kiss
For they come here to deal, this arena their office
A broad demographic, some salt of the earth
Who with them they bring passion, character and worth
The owners, the trainers, the jockeys, the stride
the horses, the strappers, the dreams and the pride
And so now to me, what does it all mean
for me not the fashion, or the high social scene
but the thundering hooves pounding down on the earth
The grace and the power of these kings of the turf
©Henry Birtles